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October 1, 2022
Hiking During Hunting Season
by Paula Uhrin
Hunting season is upon us in Pennsylvania and this is a good time to prepare before venturing outdoors.
Specific dates for hunting seasons from vary year to year. Before you go, learn the regulations and hunting seasons for the areas where you will be hiking. Note that the Pennsylvania Game Commission announced three Sunday hunting dates for 2022:
November 13, 20, and 27. For more details on the hunting seasons in Pennsylvania you can reference the Pennsylvania Game Commission website (
Be sure to wear a brightly colored clothing. Colors such as blaze orange or neon green or yellow are recommended. (Orange safety vests and hats from Walmart work fine and are inexpensive.) Clothing should include a hat and vest (and pack cover or large bandana), or hooded outerwear that can be seen from all angles when hiking during hunting season. On state game lands in Pennsylvania, all hunters and non-hunters are required to wear at least 250 square inches of fluorescent orange material on the head, chest and back combined, or a fluorescent orange hat, from Nov. 15-Dec.15 (except on Sundays with no hunting). The orange material must be visible from all angles (360 degrees). Many hiking paths including parts of the Appalachian Trail use state game lands, and even if you are not hiking on state game lands it is a good practice to adopt during hunting season. If you hike with a pet, it should also wear a blaze orange vest, collar, leash or bandana so it is visible from all sides. The AT recommends that pets be leashed at all times while hiking.
Avoid wearing colors that could be mistaken for game animals. Avoid any brown, tan, earth tones and especially white - you do not want to look like the flash of deer's tail. During turkey season avoid red, blue, purple, black and white. These are the head colors of a male wild turkey. Basically, the brighter the better!
Use extra caution particularly at dawn and dusk. Hunting activity typically increases during those times as that is when animals are feeding and visibility is poor. Hike during broad daylight when hunters can more easily identify you. Be especially cautious close to road crossings, trailheads, and in valley areas. Utilizing a flashlight or headlamp will help with visibility and identify you as a human and not a critter.
Avoid the most popular hunting days, like opening weekend. In Pennsylvania that would be the Sunday after Thanksgiving and extending into the first two weekends of December. When you do go, choose trails that are off-limits to or unpopular with hunters. In this area there are several preserves that do not participate in hunting activities. Stick to established, marked trails. Skip the bushwhacking during hunting season as hunters are more likely to expect hikers on trails.
Enjoy the trails and stay safe out there!
Paula Uhrin
President, Allentown Hiking Club
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