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July 14, 2024
by Paula Uhrin
The Allentown Hiking Club could not do all it does without the assistance of a multitude of volunteers.
Big tasks, small tasks, and everything in between ... everything we do is because of our volunteers. If you already lend your time to our efforts ... THANK YOU! If you haven’t yet gotten involved ... there’s no time like the present! The Club has administrative needs, trail needs, liaison needs, you name it. There are so many ways to get involved to help make the Club successful, active, and vibrant.
We work closely with the Appalachian Trail Conservancy as one of the 30 trail clubs that maintain the entire 2,190+ miles of the Appalachian Trail. We maintain trails within the nearby Lehigh Gap Nature Center. We support organizations such as the Keystone Trails Association. We liaise with nearby trails clubs such as the Blue Mountain Eagle Climbing Club. We coordinate with AT land managing agencies such as the Pennsylvania Game Commission. Many of these organizations also rely heavily on their own volunteers. We offer multiple hikes of varied skill levels each month to allow members to enjoy the outdoors and explore new environments. We maintain trails, support conservation, and simply gather to enjoy the outdoors, and all of that takes volunteers to make it happen. And as I often say ... many hands make light work. The more people get involved, the easier it becomes and the lighter the load for all.
If you’re looking for ways to get more involved, reach out to me or any of the Club leaders, or better yet attend one of the monthly Club meetings. Even if you only have a few hours each month, that helps to make a big difference. The success of our Club depends on our membership and its leaders. No task or activity is too small and every little bit helps.
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July 14, 2024
Harold L. Croxton, 1920-2024
AHC Honorary Member Harold L. Croxton died March 10, 2024, at age 103, in Spokane, WA.
Harold joined AHC in 1967 and immediately became an active member. The citation for his 1985 Honorary Member award listed his contributions as hike leader, trail worker, Trails Chair, Keystone Trails Association Monitor Coordinator, and member of the AT Corridor Management Committee. During his tenure as Trails Chair, in 1978 a trail was cut to the Yellow Spring near the Allentown Shelter, and Harold organized yearly schedules of weekend shelter caretakers for the Allentown Shelter. Under Harold’s guidance as Corridor Monitor Chair, the club began its corridor boundary monitoring and annual reporting. Harold oversaw the installation of the gate and boulders at Fort Franklin Rd. to prevent illegal vehicle access to the AT. In 1993, Harold received the Silver Volunteer award at the Appalachian Trail Conservancy Biennial, and in 2001 he was honored with an Appalachian Trail National Scenic Trail Golden Service Award. Harold was also an Appalachian Trail 2000 miler, completing the trail in 1976.
Harold was born in Illinois, graduated from the University of Illinois in 1942, and was hired by the Accounting Department of Bethlehem Steel Corporation. He served in the US Navy during World War II and then returned to work at Bethlehem Steel until his retirement. He married Rosemere in 1947 and they were married 75 years when she died on Aug. 29, 2022 (Harold’s 102nd birthday). Harold and Rosemere were avid hikers and world travelers, visiting 42 countries on six continents, backpacking through the Swiss Alps, and climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro to the 15,000 foot level.
As a member of the Allentown Hiking Club, Harold volunteered to do whatever was needed, and he and Rosie were always willing to assist other club members in reaching their hiking goals. They were shining examples for club members to emulate.
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July 14, 2024
Bear Box Installed at G. W. Outerbridge Shelter
On May 9th members of the Allentown Hiking Club worked alongside those from the Keystone Trails Association, Appalachian Trail Conservancy, the National Park Service and PA Outdoor Corps to install a bear box near the George W. Outerbridge Shelter on the Appalachian Trail.
The large and heavy bear box was moved by hand up the mountain to the shelter area.
The bear box was placed near the shelter.
The crew...
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