10-2-11 12:00 noon | Other
Art/Park/Allentown/ (series VIII) 8th st Bridge/HistoricalAnother in a series that includes a walk in the park, The Allentown Symphony followed by a visit to the Brewworks.
A 1.5 mile loop walk through the Allentown Park crossing the 8th St. bridge (to enjoy fall foliage this time). We'll visit the historical society and return to the Arts Walk, then enjoy the 3pm Allentown symphony concert (featuring the Empire Brass); followed by a "brew" at the Allentown brewworks.
Note: Symphony Hall, 23 N 6th St ; Hikers receive a 10% discount -( mention this). Box office 610-432-6715; can purchase that day; Brewworks: 812 Hamilton St- 10% discount on food with ticket. (separate checks). FREE Parking at 6th and Linden garage. Attire: hiking wear is fine.
Leader (and cellist) Mercedes Jurkiewicz 484-515-8001: co-leader, Ron Kieffer (and usher) 484-269-0852 or 610-562-8680.
Hike / bike / on-water distance: 1.5 miles
Meeting place: 12:12 PM at corner of parking deck - 6th and Linden sts. 1st Meeting place: 11:11 AM CJ Hummels Restaurant, Rte.143 Lenhartsville
Leader: Mercedes Jurkiewicz 484-515-8001 mercedes.jurkiewicz@gmail.com
Co-leader: Ron Kieffer 610-217-4637