12-2-06 2:30 pm | Meeting
AHC 75th Anniversary CelebrationThe Allentown Hiking Club was organized on Dec. 2, 1931, and everyone is welcome to join us for our 75th anniversary celebration at the Lehigh County Senior Center, 1633 Elm St., Allentown in the Trexler Room.
Tables will be set up for displays from each decade of the club's history. At 3 PM there will be a program that will include recognition of past presidents and honorary members, and at 5 PM we will have a potluck meal. The event will wrap up at 6:30 PM.
Everyone is invited to bring photos and other memorabilia. There will be plenty of time to socialize, share memories, and reminisce. Please bring a potluck dish or snack item to share. All former members, family members and friends are invited. No reservations are needed and there is no cost to attend.