Allentown Hiking Club
5-17-08 9:00 am | Other
Boy Scout JAMBO at Kutztown University
The Allentown Hiking Club is sponsoring a hiking and backpacking booth at this regional scouting event.
Over 6,000 Scouts (age 6-21) and leaders attended the last JAMBO and our booth is sure to be popular. We need club members to staff the booth and help conduct short demonstrations during the day (packing a backpack, what to put in your day pack, how to erect a tent, backpack cooking, etc.) Come share your knowledge about and enthusiasm for hiking. This is a wonderful opportunity to connect with the next generation of hikers. We hope to schedule 1 or 2 hour shifts so club members will have time to explore the other 99 booths at the event. Call 610-262-6977 or email leader to volunteer or if you want more information.
Leader: Barbara Wiemann 610-262-6977
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