Allentown Hiking Club
2-17-13 11:00 am | Hike
Breakfast Hike from Virginville Fire Co.
Walk and tour the Historic Dreibelbis Farm and Homestead
Breakfast hike from Virginville Fire Co. $5-$6. The walk and tour is approximately .2 miles. Suggested donation $1.00/person. Optional 3-mile easy,muddy hike along Lake Ontelaunee's North Shore. Approx. 10 miles round trip - bring a $1 for the driver. This is on private property. You must be a member - bring $10 to join.
Meeting place: Take Rt. 143 to Virginville, take downtown exit to the fire company.
Leader: Ron Kieffer 610-217-4637
Co-leader: Mercedes Jurkiewicz 484-515-8001
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