3-26-11 10:00 am | Hike
Kittatiny HikeClimb the Kittatiny to the AT and back
Drive 5 miles to Baily Wood Products for a quick tour. Then we will climb the Kittatiny starting at Betsy Nehf’s farm to the AT and back. This is on private property folks! So Club members only! 3 hr steep climb and back; total of 3 hrs. Hiking boots a must! No dogs or cats! Bring money for lunch and beer after at Kempton Hotel. (where you guessed is another piano!)
Round trip road miles distance: 10 miles
Meeting place: Meeting place: Kempton Fire Co., along Rte 143 at end of Rte 737
Leader: Ron Kieffer 610-217-4637
Co-leader: Mercedes Jurkiewicz 484-515-8001 mercedes.jurkiewicz@gmail.com