Allentown Hiking Club
2-2-25 9:00 am | Hike
Loop hike though the Bryn Coed Preserve (10-12 miles)
Loop hike through the rolling hills of the Bryn Coed Preserve
We will be hiking through open fields and woods in this 500-acre former farm that has been preserved by Natural Lands Trust. The preserve includes a Pennsylvania Champion white oak, the headwaters of the Pickering Creek, and several Bald Eagle nesting spots. Expect about 1000' of climb total during the trek. Terrain can sometimes be muddy so wearing hiking boots is recommended. Bring lunch/snacks and water. Steady rain or snow cancels.
Hike / bike / on-water distance: 10-12 miles
Hike rating: D+
Meeting place: 1869 Flint Road, Chester Springs, PA
Posted on NO
Leader: Paula Uhrin 484-951-4299
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