Allentown Hiking Club
1-13-13 11:00 am | Hike
Mercedes Annual "BD" Breakfast Hike
Hike to the Pinnacle
Leaving the Kempton Rod and Gun Club at 12:12 PM and drive to the large Game Commission parking lot along Pine Swamp Road. Hike to the Pinnacle from the north side passing by Panther Spring in its wintery splendor. Can be slushy. Wear waterproof footwear. Bring light. Not for children!
Meeting place: Kempton Rod and Gun Club. Take Rt. 143 between Lenhartsville and Kempton. Turn onto Pine Creek Rd, 1+mile. $5 breakfast.
Leader: Ron Kieffer 610-217-4637
Co-leader: Mercedes Jurkiewicz 484-515-8001
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