Allentown Hiking Club
10-21-06 8:30 am | Hike
Pinnacle Day Hike
Hike to the beautiful Pulpit and Pinnacle Overlooks on the Appalachian Trail.
Scenic loop hike starts with an uphill climb on the AT to the Pulpit overlook. We will continue on to the Pinnacle Overlook, walk along the AT to the Helicopter pad, and finish the loop walking downhill along a stream and past the Hamburg Reservoir. Meet at the Days Inn Parking lot at the intersection of Rts. 309 and Rt. 22. Note: this is a joint hike with the Appalachian Mountain club. There will be an optional stop at restaurant in Hamburg after the hike.
Round trip road miles distance: 50 miles
Hike / bike / on-water distance: 8 miles
Hike rating: C
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