Allentown Hiking Club
3-17-19 9:00 am | Hike
Roaring Creek Tract Weiser State Forest
Hike Roaring Creek Weiser State Forest
Roaring Creek is a High Quality water supply for Aqua who operates several reservoirs there. October 2003 though partnership the property was acquired and designated as State Forest Land. We will hike 15 of the 40 miles of trails there. With one long steep up hill trail near the beginning . There will be wet muddy trails near the creek and reservoirs. Bring 2liters water, snacks, lunch, and Laughter. Traction devices if there is still snow. Layered clothing.
Hike / bike / on-water distance: 15 miles
Hike rating: E+
Meeting place: Parking lot north of the town of Artistes on Route 42 north on the right hand side
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